- 【モルチャレインタビューVol.3】I want to be healthier and just have a positively good feeling – Brook Suzuki

I started this diet to see if I could lose weight fast. I tend to go on diets here and there but have never really tried a diet like this before. To me not being able to eat carbohydrates and to workout seem like it would be impossible. Seeing as from the past I was always told that you needed carbs for that extra energy in order to burn off that extra fat. So I thought that I would give this diet a try, I’ve heard of not eating carbohydrates before but never thought it was a very effective way to lose weight. From my point of view if you want to lose your fat along with your muscle then yes its a good way to lose weight in that sense. I wanted to see my results as to what I would feel and look like going through this process. My body type is on the bigger side, I’ve always had a little bit of muscle. I used to workout a lot but lost the motivation and I figured that even if I were to lose my fat and muscle that I would still be able to rebound and put that lost muscle back on. Bottom line is that I thought this would be a good test to see what would happen.

I have gone on and off on my diets in the past. There was once a time where I was considered very fit and I felt great, but that was over seven years ago. My body is just not the same as it used to be, I’m getting older and feeling more drained lately. I just never really felt the need to lose weight. I enjoyed my life and I got to eat and drink whatever i felt like. I would consider myself a big drinker and I think that really made a difference on whether or not I should workout. I would rather go out and drink a beer than go to the gym. I am generally a happy person so me not being fit didn’t really impact my life. I see life as you live it to the fullest and not just what your personal looks look like and how other judge you to be. The only thing I regret about not going on a diet before is my health, in the fact that I should be taking care of my body more than ruining it.

I have been noticed by other about my diet, though I would say it was most strong about one month into the program. I don’t really look for peoples opinions on what my looks are. I’m not the type to show off my body, though I have heard some people say that I look thinner. I’m not really sure if I take that as a compliment, I don’t think that being “thin” is healthy, so hearing these things is not really a confident booster. I’ve talked to friends back home and I have even showed them pictures of myself and from what I’ve heard is that I do look smaller but it doesn’t look to healthy that I need to put on more muscle.

Generally I feel pretty good now that the program is over. I didn’t feel so great when I was on the diet, I always felt hungry from not being able to consume any carbohydrates. I thought that it wouldn’t so much of a problem but when it first started I was so tired all the time. From the beginning of the program to the end I never really had any energy to do anything. I would say that right now I feel good because I am able to eat whatever I want. it really makes a big difference as to what I can consume to how I feel. The only benefit that I have right now is that I don’t feel so hungry as much, i think my stomach got smaller and so when I eat food I feel more full faster and that it last longer based on how many carbs I consume.

The only thing I can really say about how this program has impacting my work is basically my physical appearance. I was on the heavier size coming to Japan, so working with all the staff and seeing how skinny they are is the only real difference I see. Now I’m a little bit thinner but I don’t feel as big as before. So it’s more of a personal appearance than anything else.

Molnoda’s food is really good in many different way. I first off want to say how it has impacted me, when I first started this program I was only eating salad with mainly chicken and occasionally beef but that really wasn’t too often.The food was good though I think the selection and choices that was available to me was a bit too little. I was constantly eating the same food everyday with almost no change to any ingredients. Knowing who I am and where I come from this made it very difficult to continue this program. I was already committed to what I had to do eat and so i forced myself to continue with this program. From a person experience I don’t think you can completely cut out carbs or at least they should have more options and not just have one dressing that I could consume. It made it very difficult eating the same food every day knowing that when I look at the menu it generally all looks very healthy. There needs to be more choices on the menu that don’t consist of carbohydrates. Like add more dressings or even more toppings to mix it up a little bit.

There are quiet a bit of differences between this particular private gym and other gyms. This private gym is very small, it doesn’t really consist of many different types of equipment. Me personally I like an open space big gym where I can walk around and do many different types of exercise. I would say the one thing that I use most is a treadmill. Which the private session doesn’t consist of. Also an other problem that really bothered me was the fact that in was in a what it seemed to be an apartment complex. Which made the conditions very unfriendly, i would really like to be able to blast music loudly or be able to drop weights on the ground without having to disturb the neighbors. The equipment was up to date and looked fairly new, I just think the location needs to be more in a gym kind of environment. Overall I believe that this facility is good for beginners but it just doesn’t have the qualities of competing with a normal size gym. This being said, I’m not familiar with Japanese gym’s, I only know what I’ve seen in America.

My future goals are pretty straight forward. I don’t plain of killing myself with working out, but I will watch what I eat. The one thing that I did come from this was that I know what foods consist of carbohydrates. So from this point on I can really tell what I’m consuming on a daily basis. I do plan to continue working out just enough. I want to be healthier and just have a positively good feeling.